Caitlin Jones


Welcome to my little corner of the internet.. I help individuals on their journey of self healing through a whole person approach. Slowly by detoxifying their mind, body, and soul to find clarity, fulfillment and peace.

Being conscious about making small changes will eventually lead to massive impacts to your health. I believe we can be more conscious about what we are putting into our bodies and what we are using around them.

There has never been a better time to invest in yourself.


i’m Caitlin

Former practicing Emergency Department RN of 6 years.


Money mindset coach.

Toxin-Free living mentor.

Homemaking and Homeschooling Mama.

Homebirth-er with our third.

Wife to my high school sweetheart.

Mother to three little ones.

Mojitos are my signature drink.

Iced coffee always. >>


Disclaimer- Regarding my website, social media and blog posts

*THIS IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE. simply sharing what we do as a family and the resources I have read* Everything I share here is my own opinion and it does not reflect the views and opinions of the medical community as a whole. I share informational and educational content strictly for educational purposes. My opinion does not take place of a qualified medical provider. Remember, you know yourself and your kids better than anyone. If you suspect danger, emergency care should be sought. Your intuition should never be ignored.