Caitlin Jones

hey hey!

Welcome, I am so glad you are here! I have created this space to discuss, educate and inspire others to start their journey of self-healing through a whole person approach. Detoxifying mind, body, and soul to find clarity, fulfillment and peace.

I would be so excited to be your person to fully support you in this journey together!

My life


I am Caitlin, wife to my high school sweetheart, Zach. Mother to 3 little ones, Colton, Allie and Evelyn, who keep our lives fun and busy. We have also have lost two little ones due to miscarriages. I am a former ER Nurse of six years and your toxin-free lifestyle mentor, money mindset coach and eco-concierge specialist.

My passion is helping people to reduce their body burden & live healthier lives!

You can usually find me at home either on my back porch or on a swing with at least one of my children all over me. I run two businesses with my husband, ZJ Detailing in Piqua OH and our online supply company First Class Detailing Supplies. I also run my home-based business, which is the toxin-free living community along with my one on one clients, and mindset coaching. 99.9% of the time my home is crazy with kids, toys, homeschool, homemaking, managing my business and my husband on the opposite side of the desk running his. With iced coffee in our hands because.. kids. But I wouldn’t trade this for the world. We are living our dream life together. I started all of this because I want to make a positive impact on my home and our children. When my oldest son was a newborn. That is where this journey all began. I started looking for safe alternatives for teething for him and fell into this whole way of living. It was that moment that I decided to radically change my family’s way of living by leaping into a toxin-free lifestyle. And there is no turning back now.

I strongly feel when you know better, you do better.

Of course, my husband thought I was crazy at first, but showing him the education behind all my “crazy talk” made him jump on board very quickly.

I continue doing this because I am leading by example for our children. I want our children to then spread this knowledge this lifestyle with their friends and their family someday. I know we can't control everything around us, but I feel better knowing I am being as proactive as I can.

This life of learning and healing has lit my soul on fire.

I am so thankful for this community.

If you are new here, follow me on social media and reach out to me. I would love to connect, get to know you, where you are from and where you are in your journey.



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