Caitlin Jones

work with me

I believe I was put here on this planet to make a massive difference in peoples lives and remind them of their potential.


Perfect Timing.

Our greatest gifts are within us. They might just be buried deep inside. These gifts sometimes are buried below layers of limiting beliefs and toxic body burden that has built up overtime. Let detoxing mind and body be the solution to being the best version of yourself.

The biggest change in my journey was when I began to detox my mind. For the first time in my life, I could control my reality. I was finally giving myself the permission I was seeking to live my authentic life.

With my new insights, I began making drastic improvements in my life. As a result, I started to attract more positive experiences into my life, which only continued to grow as I kept reading, learning, studying, applying, and practicing.

Things were going well in my life until one day, at the age of 28, I had an awakening while right in the middle of dinner. I thought at first it was a breakdown, but I couldn’t have been more wrong. I vividly remember eating Sushi with my husband, having a late dinner after the kids were in bed. It felt like I was slapped right in the face. I became nauseated and I just started crying. I was suddenly flooded with all these feelings of failure, self-confidence, and self-talk issues I thought I had gotten over and my financial fear crept in as well. All the “problems” in my life that I had been working with my life coach on, things I thought I had worked through, all came rushing back. I thought in the moment that my work was all thrown out the door and all my stories were coming back to haunt me. But the case was, it was my final “test” from the Universe to see if I was actually ready to push through. I found myself laying on the bathroom floor feeling like I was outside my own body, very numb and uncontrollable sobbing. At the time I was well into my 75 Hard journey. My husband and I were doing it together. He came into the bathroom with me, and I just remember looking at him. I felt lost, and he looked lost. This came out of nowhere with no warning. Earlier that day I had spent the day with my best friend and even had a boudoir photo shoot, I was feeling amazing all day. My husband looked at me and quietly said “you still have your outdoor workout to do”. I remember somehow, I gathered myself to stand up and go outside to complete my outdoor workout for the day. I just walked in my driveway at 11pm in mid-February and continued to cry. I came inside and my eyelashes were almost frozen shut. This went on for 2 days, I couldn’t talk to anyone I didn’t even have words for what was happening to me. Then on the third day I was presented with a choice, to sit in this and this become my reality or to push through and come out of this. I chose the breakthrough, and when I say I came out of that experience a different person, I literally did. It felt like a re-birth, and I stepped into living my authentic life. I decided I was no longer going to do what others wanted for me and I wasn’t going to settle for life that looked good in the eyes of society “Normal”.

Now my purpose has grown way beyond just changing my life.

I help change the lives of my clients with our mindset work and spiritual practices by completely rewiring their mindsets and taking massive action on their dreams. If you want big results you’ve come to the right place.

My unique coaching style combines science with spirituality (logic to go with the woo-woo hippie stuff) to train your subconscious mind with your desires that you have for your business, finances, relationships, and health. 

Connect with me to help you get started!


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