Acetaminophen does WHAT to your body?!

From your former practicing ER nurse...

Question everything going in and on your body especially for your babies Question everything that comes into your home.

I remember as a first time mom being told ‘just give him some Tylenol’ for everything by my pediatrician. And that was the go to medication to give kids in the ER when they came in if the parents hadn’t already done so.

I am eternally grateful for friends who posted information that made me think twice, and then that led to question everything I learned in nursing school, to eventually creating a business where I educate others on toxin-free living and quitting my job as an ER nurse.

From the article linked below…

“Our finding shows that acetaminophen could never be approved for pediatric use by today’s regulatory standards.” Read that again.

Parker’s latest peer-reviewed study (linked below) ... concludes that acetaminophen, “without any reasonable doubt” is a contributing factor for many—if not most—cases of autism.

Johnson and Johnson has agreed to pay up to $6.3 million dollars to customers who bought Infants' Tylenol since 2014.



Click PDF on the above link, or here for the full study:

**Do I think you’re a bad parent if you ever used Tylenol? No. I used Tylenol with Colton before I knew better. I am always here to help you on your own journey with no judgment, and I will never push you. We each have our own journey. I think we all do the best we can with what we know at the time. I encourage you to research and make the best decision for you and your family. We can no longer say “my parents did it when I was younger and I’m fine…”

Caitlin Jones