“new year”….”new Word”


I finally decided on my “One Word” for 2021, Shift.

Simple, but what I need.

Shift my mindset.

I’ll be the first to acknowledge and take ownership that I put so much work into my one on one personal development coaching.. all for me to fall out of those good habits. Because the work is uncomfortable.. I fell back into those comfortable habits. So for this year I am following my coaching, making myself uncomfortable and shifting my mindset.. changing these comfortable habits I created to get uncomfortable so I can grow.

Shift from the fears of things I cant control to I can always create inner peace for myself.

Listening to my limiting beliefs- shift to my being committed to my ritual to acknowledge the thought and see it as an opportunity to grow in that area.

Uncertainty about the future- shift to I am meant to be on this path.

Fear of what others would “say” or “think”- shift to this is on my heart and Its my obligation to share that. Also surrounding myself and creating my circle, my community of people to be positive, supportive people who want to grow and get uncomfortable.

Feeling intimidated by tasks or obstacles– shift to all the more reason to get uncomfortable to overcome them.

Making my mindset, health, relationships and happiness a priority this year.

What’s your “One Word” or New Years Resolutions for 2021?

LifestyleMade To Be